Pastor Jay's Mid-Week Memo – August 3, 2022
Forest Hills Family,
I trust you are having a great week thus far. I am so grateful for the time we shared together Sunday evening as our worship team and choir led us in a powerful time of worship, reflection and celebration. It was a perfect way to cap off the summer and look forward to the new church year to come.
As we get ready for a big Sunday and a big month of August, I wanted to share a few things that are on my heart:
- Baptisms! It’s always exciting to celebrate baptism and the bold declarations of new followers of Jesus. By God’s grace, we have celebrated baptisms the last several Sundays and we will celebrate 4 more this Sunday! I know after services on Sunday, numerous people are wrestling with the next step God is calling them to take. We would love to talk with you if you have questions about baptism and what it means to be a follower of Jesus. You can visit the Our Beliefs page on our website or simply text “FHBC” to the number 94000 from your mobile device and we will be in touch!

- Promotion Sunday! This Sunday, all of our age group ministries move into their new Sunday School classes. This is a big, exciting day for all ages, but especially for those moving into new age group ministries. For adults, this is also a great Sunday for you to connect with a class if you have not done so already. We will have teams ready to help you connect with a class this Sunday, August 7 – look for the “GroupLink” station at the Welcome Center in the Atrium and let our staff and volunteers know you’d like to find a class.

- Wednesday Nights! We are gearing up for our new year of midweek ministries. Our Kickoff Carnival is August 10 and a great opportunity to invite people to check out Forest Hills. And then, our full Wednesday night programming launches on August 17 with new EQUIP classes, age group ministries and of course, Wednesday night meals. I hope you will make plans to join us and bring someone with you! Check out all our FHBC Weekdays discipleship groups, classes and schedule at

While we are sad to see summer come to a close, the new church year offers us so many new opportunities to carry out our mission of making and multiplying gospel-centered disciples who love, grow, serve and go. I hope you will join in and invite others as together we take our next steps as a church family.
This Sunday, we’re continuing the Simple series looking at our grace stories and how we can simply understand and share what God has done in our lives. Your story matters and I want you to be equipped and ready to share it. Join us for worship and Bible study on Sunday.
Love you and praying for you church. See you soon!
Until All Hear,
Pastor Jay