Pastor Jay's Mid-Week Memo – October 5, 2022
Dear Church Family,
Hello from Fayetteville, Arkansas! Thank you so much for your support and encouragement for Molly and our family as she makes her college debut this week. She and her Ole Miss teammates are in great position heading into the final round today! (Photo courtesy of Ole Miss.)

What an incredible Engage Global Celebration we had experienced together last weekend! I am so grateful for our partners, their ministries, and the opportunity we had to be inspired and challenged this weekend. Chad Mize, our staff and Missions Committee did an incredible job organizing and leading us through the weekend. And, we had the most successful Engage Golf Tournament we’ve ever had to kickoff the weekend!

As we move forward from Engage, we need to be considering three questions:
- How is God calling me to GO personally every day?
- How is God calling me to GO short-term?
- Check out these 2023 trips (click link, then click Upcoming Mission Engagements; or see them here on Instagram) and consider whether God might be calling you to GO on one of those opportunities.
- How is God calling me to GO long-term?
- Is God calling you to give a longer period, like a summer, or a year, or even your life to serve on mission? We would love to help you take your next step to pursue this calling!
Bottom line – we want to be known as a people and a church that GOES personally, locally and globally!
This Sunday is big as we officially welcome Bradley Morris, our new Minister of Modern Worship, and as we dive back in to Acts, specifically Acts 20. If I had to pick a life verse, it would be Acts 20:24, so this passage is near and dear to my heart. I know many will be traveling on Fall Break, but I hope you will make every effort to worship with us in person or online.
As we look ahead, Trunk or Treat is rapidly approaching! Be praying for this event, invite people to attend, sign-up for a trunk and bring candy to be given out that night! We’re planning for 2,000 people to attend and need everyone participating to make this event a success.

Love you church and so grateful for what God is doing! See you soon!
We Are Sent,
Pastor Jay